July 20, 2010

Sweet Times in Sucre

I spent the last weekend in Sucre, Bolivia's official (i.e. constitutional) capital, and a charming colonial town that used to be the capital of the Virreinato del Perú under Spanish rule, a large area including parts of current Perú, Argentina, Chile and most of current Bolivia and Paraguay (the city was then called La Plata).

The architecture is reminiscent of southern Spain: it even bears the nickname of "white city" due to the color of most buildings in the colonial center.

It is a very pleasant city to visit, and there are many bohemian-style cafes and restaurants. The climate is also more temperate than in alto Bolivia due to its relatively low elevation (2700 m). Note: it was actually pretty cold and it rained last weekend, but at least it didn't snow like in La Paz!

Now I am back in La Paz for my last two days in Bolivia before flying to Rio de Janeiro. I'm sad to leave Bolivia, such an incredible country, but to be honest I can't wait to hit the beaches!


  1. Avant la saga de l'été c'était "orages d'été, avis de tempête" ou "le chateau des oliviers". Maintenant, autres temps autres moeurs, c'est le "chartered trip". Y'a moins de sexe et de trahisons, mais c'est quand même nettement plus depaysant. Vivement le Brésil.

  2. Rassure toi mon Thomas, sexe et trahisons peuvent egalement etre au rendez-vous de ce cote de l'ocean, mais de tels cas eventuels sont ici soigneusements censures pour ne pas choquer notre plus jeune et sensible audience ;-)

  3. quoi! censurer le chartered trip? Et pourquoi pas censurer les chansons d'Elmer Food Beat pendant qu'on y est!
