June 15, 2010

Jungle Boogie

I am back from a trip to the jungle near Rurrenabaque, in the north of La Paz. The contrast is stunning between the two cities: in a 35-minute plane ride the altitude drops 3700m, and the temperature goes up 15 degrees C. After 3 hours of jeep, we reached the Yacuma river, where we "lived" for 3 days. The animal and vegetal life is unique and we can almost touch the hundreds of caymans, yellow monkeys and amazonian kingfishers. A few of my impressions just after the trip: hunting the anaconda is the dirtiest job in the jungle (feet in the swamp), piranha fishing requires a lot of patience (they know how to eat the chicken around the hook), and swimming in muddy water a few meters from the caymans is fun but not very comfortable.
A Cayman on the Yacuma River

Catch of the Day: Piranha


  1. Je suis dégouté, j'ai jamais réussi à chopper un piranha. Ils n'avaient fait que bouffer la viande sur l'hameçon (plus toute celle que je faisais tomber à mes pieds en tentant de l'accrocher sur ledit hameçon). En revanche, je trouvais que marcher pied nu dans les marais et se baigner avec les crocos était plutôt cool.
